Our Manifesto
We propose, and call upon our politicians to:
1. Repeal the Health & Social Care Act 2012 and Health & Care Act 2022 and re-establish the Secretary of State’s statutory duty to provide and secure a comprehensive health service.
2. Demand adequate resourcing of the NHS, dentistry and community health, and a workforce plan which urgently and thereby fills staff shortages in professional health care staff as well and expands the provision of services.
3. Oppose reforms which promote privatisation, produce greater fragmentation or reduce accountability to local authorities.
4. Oppose the outsourcing of healthcare services and bring services back into direct NHS provision.
5. End the sale of NHS assets to the private sector.
6. Abolish the purchaser-provider split between NHS bodies.
7. Prohibit cronyism in the procurement process be it for the provision of services, supplies or equipment, and the acceptance of donations from private health companies by politicians.
8. Consolidate all Private Finance Initiative (PFI) NHS debts into the Treasury. Require the publication of PFI contracts and also require the Treasury to report to Parliament on reducing NHS PFI debts.
9. Make the NHS more transparent in all its activities, by involving public and patients in local decision-making processes and promoting Patient Participation Groups and banning non-disclosure agreements.
10. Raise awareness of international treaties, which could make privatisation of the NHS irreversible, and campaign for the NHS to be exempt from it.
11. Ensure the sensitive use of digital technology in the delivery of services but not as a wholesale substitute for face-to-face consultations.
12. Put in place proper safeguards with regard to the sharing of patient data and oppose the use of of foreign data platforms whose values are opposed to those of the NHS to manage medical records, and the sale of NHS data for commercial re-use or insurance purposes.
13. Oppose all measures that restrict free access to NHS services through charging because of migrant status.