About Us
We support campaigns to reverse the privatisation and commercialisation of health and care services and campaign for high quality, publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable health service provision.
We support a health service where the needs of the public, patients and professionals come before privatisation and profit.
We want to hold local Integrated Care Boards (previously Clinical Commissioning Groups) to account to prevent private companies taking over local services. Please e-mail info@protect-our-nhs.org.uk for more information.
Our Position Statement:
We want a comprehensive, fully integrated, cost-effective NHS, financed by taxation, providing high quality services free at the point of delivery to patients whose welfare must always come first.
We support fair pay for health workers.
We are affiliated to Keep Our NHS Public
Protect our NHS meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month at 7.15pm via Zoom. All are welcome.
If you are interested then Email info@protect-our-nhs.org.uk to obtain Zoom meeting ID & password. Notice of meetings are posted via Facebook and Twitter.